Google classroom - using the question feature

I have in previous posts shared my enthusiasm for Google classroom.  It is a perfect tool to enable collaboration amongst students, to ensure fast and effective feedback and at the very least to keep tabs on the work your students have and haven't done.

Google Classroom allows you to post an announcement or set an assignment attaching any kind of document you want, be it spreadsheet, document, picture or presentation. The attachment can be copied for each individual student in your class and they can then work on the document whilst you are able to keep tabs on the work they are doing.  Furthermore you can make comments on their work, having highlighted any particular issues and talk to them directly via the chat tool. Other options allow you to reuse any previous post if so desired. However, one element that I like but I have not really made the most of is the question feature. 

This is a very simple tool where you simply post a question,  set a due date (or not, as you wish) and let your students respond.  I have used this tool to 'crowd source' some good ideas from my year 10s and to help students get some ideas for creative pieces of writing. 

Here's a good example of how the question feature can work for you and your students. 

I posed this question and received the following answers. 

Not a bad array of answers and these were just a few of them.  The students found it useful to see each other's responses and have asked me to pose some other questions that will help them and give them some ideas on a variety of topics such as how best to start an essay, idioms, how to make their responses to some topics more interesting.  

I think this is an invaluable tool and certainly one worth exploring if you haven't already.

Let me know how you get on.
