Building language using Learning Apps


A quick post.  

Teaching some topics can be tricky because of the specific vocabulary.  Talking about le bénévolat is no different.  We have spent some time building our vocabulary and encountering it in reading texts and sentence builders.  Next time, we will focus on some text via flooded input using  I have used the same text three times but on each occasion I have changed the gaps.

Text 1

Text 2

Text 3

Finally, students will work on the text, filling in gaps and replacing English with the French.

The document is here: Le bénévolat

By the end my students should be able to answer a few key questions as follows:

Dans quelle association caritative travailles-tu bénévolement?

Depuis quand fais-tu du travail bénévole? 

D'habitude, que fais-tu dans l'association où tu es bénévole?

I am hoping that the exposure to the text will enable success.

